Appendix 5
When I found out that Edward Duke of Windsor is my father and sire (I was in my fifties), I called out to God in prayer, "Why on earth did you let this go until I'm an old woman?!"
And He said to me, "I waited until I could see that corruption was irreversible."
And so I asked, "So what do you want me to do about it?"
And He said, "You're going to have run with the ball, because your father and his relatives have dropped it."
And I replied, "What?!" I'm not prepared to do anything like that."
And He said, "You don't have to do anything but listen to My Words and take them down, daily."
And so I started writing down what I hear Him "think" to me. I never heard audible words, just meanings in the silence. I have written TWELVE books of dictation since I "retired" in 2001: Lia Fail Covenant, Orientation to Hierarchy, Use of Space, Nutrition, Royal Style, Speeches & Topics, plus the six books I published: "Let your No Mean No, Come Take Life's Water Free, Civil Life in Galactic History, Come Let Us Make Man in our Image, Restoration of the Kingdom of God, and Path to Orion yes we Can.
Before that, my Masters thesis consisted of, "Effect of teevee on children," "Conflict Analysis and resolution," and "Large Group Problem Facilitation & Resolution," the Interactive Management system of debriefing a large crowd of their true experiences in a hierarchy.
He's kept me busy. And of course, people backed away from me.
I discovered My father Edward's problem was that he was never educated, mentored, apprenticed or guided into the role of King. He was left to founder because his father King George V sensed the young Prince wasn't going to go along with the Round Table Agenda, the Order of the Garter, Tavistock and Rothschild version of a worldwide political-economic order controlled top-down by rich men.
Jesus didn't hang out with rich men, He was level-ler. Edward was pro-Labor, a level-ler of the playing field. He father was not in any case going to allow Edward to reach the Throne intact, so he waited until Edward stumbled, and the King caught him in the marriage net which the King had forbidden for twenty-odd years.
And so we have the Official Version of Wallis Simpson case which, like the JFK story, the OKC95 story, the Ruby Ridge story, the Titanic story, and the WTC 9/11 story, read like a fairy tale of helplessness, powerlessness and ignorance ... but in the atomic age.
What humans are faced with is nothing less than the annihilation of mankind for the benefit of Luciferian [Masonic Orders] bankers, defense contractors, airlines, logistics companies, social services, courts and other impersonal hierarchies that have taken human relationships down into the gutter, into the filth, into the Oblivion of asymmetrical war against people who never did any harm to anybody.
So, it doesn't matter what I might want to do, unless it matters to the rest of this toxic, psychopathic leadership that this world and our people should not be annihilated into extinction, enslaved into galactic tyranny, starved into submission, destroyed by contrived diseases and chemical pollutants--not to mention, bloodlines and oceans depopulated by depleted uranium toxicity which is permanent, from buried weapons of war, from aging atomic reactors, with sterile seeds and RoundUP by Monsanto killing all beneficial insects and small birds.
IF THE REST OF -THIS- my generation, those who were born during WWII, don't care --or speak up-- what happens to the world, to their children and grandchildren, then God says, HE can just take it all down --again-- as He had to do in Noah's day due to genetic malformities of hybrids, out of scale with the ecosystem. But this time, He doesn't need to put it back up again . . . What for? . . . And start the same sort of human ethical shambles once more? There's no reason to permit chaos, cruelty, slavery and misery at this scale.
YHVH runs this solar cluster, tends the sun and the orbits, to make sure this planet stays safe. And there are other sectors of space that can abide with this beautiful planet in Peace with Justice; and if the people here don't care to unseat psychopathic leaders, well, They the Cosmic Sylph Community can just move on, and Leadership can count their days in hours and minutes.
That's what "God YHVH" said to me, so I got really busy and took it all down ... for y'all to read, consider and take to heart. After all, the Covenant with Abraham is where this Royal House began; and if the people want to take it down into Hell, well, that's not God's fault.
He--YHVH--doesn't have to do all this work to provide your soul's environment, again.
Emily Windsor-Cragg
Differences in Ethic Stances between New Age Versus Covenantal Populations, Facebook Note, 2014. See also ... Come Let Us Make Man In Our Image, at Amazon.com
LET US PLAN FOR NEW LEADERSHIP, TO RESTORE "CONSENT BY LAW" See also Restoring the Kingdom of God to Sovereignty
Monarchy Must Be PROFESSIONAL: "If I ruled," what a REIGN would consist of
Effects of the Windsor Monarchy we witness to --- Click on live link