Conflicting Obligations Renders the Monarch A PUPPET BY CHOICE
TODAY the Monarch serves as a consumer and not as "Mediator" in conflicts of interest and disputes between Common and Statute Laws. She presides in name only, distancing herself from making checks-and-balances that moral leadership demands, that the word "REIGN" implies. She doesn't even speak up about or speak TO conditions of slavery, war and want. But she's the head of the Church, so that its Bishops don't speak up either; Bishops of the Church of England are also silenced, especially with Tavistock across the street from the Archbishop of Canterbury's office.
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. . . . | 1. Whereas she vowed to protect and support the Church of England, She sits quietly and allows Tavistock, which her Grandfather King George V (along with Kaiser Wilhelm) helped establish, to degrade, discount, demean and dishonor Britain's COVENANT epitomized by the Stone of Scone under St. Edward the Confessor's Chair; but also British culture and Law, in direct violation of her Coronation Vows. |
2. Queen Elizabeth signed SIX Lisbon Treaties that gives away her sovereign prerogatives--practically behind closed doors and without the consent of the British peoples--to EU management by distant, impersonal entities, unelected and unrepresentative of Britain. She has reduced herself to the status of CEO of the United Kingdom Corporation. | . . . . | ![]() |
![]() There is nothing "Royal" about the Royals anymore! |
. . . . | 3. She sits with her Royal peers in the EU, who all pretend still to be sovereign Monarchs having dominion over even themselves, while subject to EU top-down legislation. She serves as hostess and greeter, or she sends in a look-alike lady-in waiting. Effectively, she is in the Hospitality Business, she entertains for the State and she reads "My Government's" policy statements without questions. |
4. She stands silent and servile before the Inns of Court that run dual and twisted legalist systems combining common law and Maritiime statutes without regard to effects on the working classes. | . . . . | ![]() |
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. . . . | 5. Her relationship to the Vatican, which is specified separate but equal in the 1689 Bill of Rights and 1704 Settlement, ignores the reality of the infiltrating practices of Jesuit and chivalric Orders into the UK: namely, Order of the Garter, of the Thistle, of the Bath and Knights of Malta, among others. Even if the present pope is an honorable man, the next one could be another problem-identity, because Papists fall into factions--Christian, Satanic and Luciferian. |
6. Immigration. She distances herself from effects of Treaties she has signed that abrogate and annul the sovereign human rights and economic parity of the British citizenry, in favor of an EU invasion of foreign minorities that literally threaten to take over the UK, namely the same Quranic imams and scholars that historically, by dogma and doctrine, have always sought to conquer Western society. | . . . . |
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. . . . | 7. And again, due to the confusion over human trafficking between UN, EU, Quranic, Talmudic limits [against women, children and dissidents] and [faith and thinking] boundaries--which Her Majesty left in place and never speaks to--her children are found to be in just one scandal after another for vicarious jollies MSmedia get to endlessly discuss and gossip about: prurient escapades. The fact is Prince Andrew is single, he can "date" whoever he wants post-puberty, and "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." |
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Keeping to Coronation Vows this is not. Leadership this is not. Even a private citizen has the sense to speak up when moral and ethical issues are in question--as a Constitutional Monarch must--if he or she intends to take responsibility for the nation. | . . . . |
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Effects of the Windsor Monarchy we witness to --- Click on live link